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Meet Carolyn

Hi! I’m a paper-mache artist based in Durham, NC. I make quirky home decor wall sculptures. Familiar Dolls started in 2020 with cat dolls. I was finishing up some sewing projects and realized just how much scrap fabric I had. Wanting to use the scraps for good (cat dolls) instead of evil (landfills), I decided to use some of my scrap fabrics to make dolls. So I drafted my own patterns, designed some clothes, and started whipping up some cats.

My husband will only let me have so many real feline friends, so I thought this would be a good way to expand my collection while not adding additional litter boxes to the house. Delightfully and unexpectedly, the internet liked my cat dolls! Then in 2023 I took a trip to Puerto Rico where I saw some beautiful Vejigante masks made out of paper-mache and I was reminded how much I loved paper-mache art projects when I was in school and decided to try it. I wanted to make paper-mache animal heads for walls as I have many animal heads in my own house made from various materials and am a huge fan of lots of wall art. I became instantly hooked on making what I dubbed “wall dolls” and now have a wonderful time making original and custom creations.

When not making dolls or sculptures, I’m a documentary family photographer over at Carolyn Scott Photography. I also enjoy sewing other things (quilts and clothes), painting, playing piano and ukulele, accidentally killing houseplants because I overwater them, watching movies, hanging out with my real-life cats and husband, celebrating Halloween all year, and obsessively rearranging furniture in the house.

I’m so happy you’re here and interested in my art. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brings me.

Please connect with me on my Familiar Dolls Instagram account to see more!

